The remote family farm had its own dynamic life style. Each year, they would celebrated three significant days, Anzac Day as her father was a First World War Return Service Man, Christmas and Easter. The highlight of the latter two events was Mass, celebrated in the local village hall.

At the age of 19, June entered the Sisters of Compassion and for the next 63 years lived the life of a professed Sister of Compassion. Her commitment and long life of dedication to God had many ups and downs mainly due to health reasons and her unique manner of perception. Her summary of a situation or event was often totally different from her companions. Her thoughts and words for describing situations were often flavoured by her deep sense of humour and aptness for the right words.

lll health struck Sister Vianney shortly after her profession and this would constantly plague her throughout her religious life. All manner of physical, holistic and medical treatments and surgical interventions she accepted with fortitude and patience. These health related interruptions brought stress into her community living such as isolation or absenteeism from what was the expectations of a sister. Using her own words and recorded in her story Vianney says, “I have lived with sisters in community all these years and they too have shaped me, prayed for me, rebuked me, counselled me and encouraged me, given me a good push when needed. All I now have and have received I say…’thank you, thank you very much’.” Vianney shared her gifts when living in lsland Bay, Auckland, Whanganui, Buckle and Sussex Streets and within the Marian Court community. She loved exploring her environment, sticks in hand, donning suitable footwear and clothing, she would use free traveling on buses to shop and visit people. True to her personality and hidden beauty, rich in sincere spirituality, Vianney quietly returned her life to the Lord she has served so faithfully.

Born                 Entered            Professed           Died            Place of Death         Place of Burial

18.06.1927    20.05.1947       19.03.1950    12.01.2014         Silverstream         Karori Cemetery