During her early years, she not only played the piano well but had also passed her elocution exams. For a time Patricia was a Governess at St. Thomas school in Oamaru, and then at St. Bedes’ College in Christchurch.
On 2 March 1952, at the age of 22 years, Patricia entered the Sisters of Compassion, and on entering the Novitiate she was given her Religious name Sister Mary Nicholas. Sister was professed in 1954 and the following year was transferred to Silverstream. During her Religious life Sister Nicholas moved around the various Homes, both in New Zealand and in Australia, finally returning to Silverstream where she had spent the early years of her Religious life. Sister spent twenty years at St. Joseph’s and many of the long-term residents have lovely memories of her. She always took a real interest in what was happening in and around the Hutt Valley, in an open hearted way, with a keen perception that was unobtrusive and non-judgemental. Her integrity was beyond reproach, her loyalty as solid as the oak tree, and her capacity for kindness and goodness were enduring.
When she was diagnosed with cancer, she wished to remain at St. Joseph’s as she considered this was her home, and she also expressed the desire to be buried from there. The Sisters were a great support to her in her last days, and the nurses and doctors from the Te Omanga Hospice called regularly. Maureen, her sister, was a constant support and friend, and knew how to suss out what would provide a little extra comfort and enjoyment. Her brothers and other sisters and their families were very supportive with regular visiting. The family were all blessed by her bravery in illness, her faith, and her love and affection for them all.
Born Entered Professed Died Place of Death Place of Burial
15.03.1930 02.03.1952 15.09.1954 29.09.1995 Silverstream Karori Cemetery