She was baptised and confirmed in St Patrick’s Church, Masterton, and received her education at St Bride’s College.
Following a period of employment at the age of 25, Elizabeth entered the Sisters of Compassion in 1919. At the beginning of her Novitiate she received her Religious name Sister Mary Natalie. Following her Profession as a Sister of Compassion, Sister Natalie completed her Nursing Training, graduating in 1927.
Sister Natalie had a very active and rewarding ministry showing her talent and capabilities in many of the Homes of Compassion. These varied according to the needs of the Communities. Skills in book-keeping, nursing, and teaching were displayed when she was appointed to Jerusalem-Hiruhārama, Whanganui, and Silverstream Communities. Sister Natalie interacted with the Māori people with ease and there were occasions when she offered to assist with the Māori Women’s retreat at Parorangi, Fielding.
While young, Sister Natalie had the privilege of spending time with Mother Aubert, and was able to absorb Mother Aubert’s spirituality and spirit of compassionate care and empathy for others. Struggling with ill health, Sister returned to the Island Bay hospital for investigation and subsequent nursing care for terminal cancer. Her devotion and attendance at daily Mass was important to her, and personal prayer and her love of Our Lady were uppermost during her time of ill health. With peace and courage she faced the unpleasantness of her journey of sickness with uncomplaining resignation.
Sister Natalie was a dedicated Sister of Compassion who accepted the challenge and followed the compassionate mission of Jesus and Mary. She walked in the footsteps of Suzanne Aubert, leaving us an example of faithfulness and love.
Born Entered Professed Died Place of Death Place of Burial
28.01.1894 30.12.1919 23.07.1922 13.06.1970 Wellington Karori Cemetery