Jessie was a friend of Sister Clotilde, they had nursed together at Wellington Hospital for some years. Later they worked at the Otaki Sanatorium, and then ran a private hospital in Feilding. During this time, they both became Catholics, and had early associations with Mother Aubert.
On the 5 October 1910, Jessie followed her friend Eva Webber, [Sister Clotilde] and entered as a postulant at St. Joseph’s Home of Compassion for Incurables, at Buckle Street. In April the following year Jessie began her Novitiate, and received her religious name Sister Mary Genevieve. Sister was professed on the 14 October 1915, during the period Mother Aubert was in Rome.
When the St. Patrick’s College Temporary Hospital was opened for victims of the Influenza Epidemic in November 1918, Sister Genevieve was appointed Matron. After two or three weeks, she contracted the disease, and was seriously ill. An operation had to be performed on her lung, which though successful left it permanently weakened.
Following her illness, Sister Genevieve spent some time at Ranana as the District Nurse there, returning to Buckle Street in 1932. In November, a year later, Sister was one of the first Sisters sent to the New Home of Compassion at Silverstream, with the male patients from Buckle St. Sister was at St. Joseph’s until 1942 returning to Buckle Street as Treasurer.
Prior to 1945 Sister Genevieve had been treated by Dr. O’Regan for Hodgkin’s disease. She fought increasing weakness as long as she could, but at last had to give in by September 1952, when she was admitted to the Infirmary at Island Bay. Sister continued to grow weaker day by day. On December 14, Gaudate Sunday, some visiting priests came and gave her the Last Blessing. Sister lingered on until the 18 when she gently expired at about 10.45 pm. surrounded by many of her Sisters of Compassion.
Born Entered Professed Died Place of Death Place of Burial
07.07.1981 05.10.1910 14.10.1915 18.12.1952 Island Bay Karori Cemetery