Prior to entering the Daughters of Our Lady of Compassion, Honoria was employed at a small Maternity Home in Wellington. Family history is absent from her personal records apart from the fact that her father owned a farm in County Cork. She retained her British Passport after receiving New Zealand Citizenship.
Honoria entered the Congregation in 1933, and on reception into the Noviciate received Emilian as her Religious name. Her commitment to this style of life and applying her nursing skills and abilities to the work in the Island Bay Hospital demonstrated her spirit of generosity and dedication to the life as a Sister of Compassion. Following her Religious Profession, Emilian completed her General Nursing Training and was quickly absorbed into the nursing ministry of the Congregation. Her appointments to positions of responsibility in the Homes in Timaru, Silverstream, Whanganui and Auckland covered much of her active life until she was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis which greatly curtailed her mobility. Various treatments for this condition were offered to Sister with minimum relief or effect. At the 1957 Chapter, Emilian was elected as Second-in-Charge on the Leadership Team. Her skills with needlework and her ability to teach this craft to the Sisters was graciously given and appreciated.
She will be fondly remembered for her compassionate care of the sick and elderly, and for her guidance and empathy shown to many young girls during her ministry at St Vincent’s Home in Auckland. Her death, though sudden, was well prepared for by a life of prayerful ministry, dedication, and faithfulness to her vocation as a true follower of Suzanne Aubert.
Born Entered Professed Died Place of Death Place of Burial
23.02.1898 21.02.1933 21.11.1935 20.08.1969 Wellington Karori Cemetery