Two years following her religious profession Sister Bertha joined the small community in Auckland until the Home closed during 1916. During the years 1916 – 1936, Sister Bertha was transferred between the communities in Ranana, Jerusalem and Buckle Street. Her personality must have coped well for this constant interchange of work and companionship. Due to the onset of hearing difficulties, Sister Bertha returned to Wellington for ear treatment. Coping with constant and troublesome ‘noises in the head’ brought mental disturbance into her life. This affliction plus her deafness brought isolation into her life.
Sister Bertha was always most obliging, but very retiring. She was glad and grateful to be asked to share in any tiresome or heavy work, and she was never known to say an unkind word to anyone. She loved the Spirit of the Institute and was forever loyal to it. Her patience and long-suffering edified everyone. Even when blind and deaf she seemed to sense the hours for Spiritual Exercises, and would begin at once to say the prayers which she knew by heart. She was extremely grateful for any little attention.
On the Feast of St. Anne, Sister Bertha’s physical struggles came peacefully to an end. The Sisters gathered at her bedside praying for and with her as she quietly and gently returned her life to the Lord she loved and served so faithfully during her life as a Sister of Compassion.
Born Entered Professed Died Place of Death Place of Burial
18.01.1890 29.01.1910 28.09.1912 26.07.1952 Island Bay Karori