When called upon to take over the role of mother and father for her brothers and sisters, Stasia also took on the running of a shop with a Post Office attached, and also a farm! She paid off the mortgage on this, and it was only after her brothers and sisters were able to look after themselves that she turned her thoughts to offering her life to God in Religious Life. Stasia was well known and respected on the West Coast, and the story is told of how when she left the Coast in September, 1922, many people met her at the various stops along the way to wish her well and press money into her hand.She entered the Home of Compassion, as a postulant on the 21 September, 1922. On 19 March, 1923, she began her Novitiate, taking the name of Sister Mary Adelma. Sister Adelma made her First Profession on the 19 March, 1925, renewing her vows on the same date each year until 1929 when she made her Perpetual Profession.
In July of 1929 Sister Adelma was appointed second in charge of the Home for Incurables, Wellington City, and in July 1931, Sister was appointed in charge of the new Aubert Home of Compassion in Wanganui. From then on, until 1957, Sister Adelma had position of responsibility in the Congregation. At the General Chapter of 1933, she was elected Third Assistant General, and in 1939 in charge of St. Vincent’s Home of Compassion, Auckland. In March 1942, sister was transferred to Silverstream again in charge, and by virtue of her office attended the General Chapter of March, 1945, at which she was elected Third Assistant General and came to reside at Island Bay. In 1951 she became First Assistant to Mother M. Zita, the newly-elected Superior General. She remained on the General Council until 1957 when she was transferred to Timaru on 20 September.
In 1960 Sister was diagnosed as having cancer, and after surgery in our hospital at Island Bay, the doctors assured her that she had another ten years of life. She returned to Timaru in 1963, and was able to take up her duty again as House Councillor. In 1975 Sister came from Timaru to Island Bay to celebrate her Golden Jubilee, and then remained a member of the Island Bay Community. By this time she was 84 years old, and had far exceeded the doctor’s prediction of “10 years”. However, she had lost her memory in relation to present day events, but had a fount of memories and stories of earlier days in Religious Life, and also of her days on the West Coast! Sister was a good story-teller, and a prodigious letter writer. Sisters on the Missions always looked forward to her letters, she was able to give such a clear picture of what was occurring “back home”.
In her latter years, when so many things evaded her memory she never had any difficulty in praying her Rosary and other prayers right through. No wonder, because prayer was so much a part of her throughout her long life. Sister died on the 29 December, 1979 in the 55th year of her Profession, and the 88th year of her birth. May she rest in peace.
Birth Entered Professed Died Place of Death Place of Burial
18.07.1891 21.09.1922 19.03.1925 29.12.1979 Island Bay Karori Cemetery