When you first feel yourself getting angry, cease to act, or even to speak, or above all, to take any determination before every emotion of that passion is stilled
Suzanne Aubert
Founder of the order
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Sister Magdalen Sheahan
After teaching for a number of years Sister Magdalen worked for the Māori Vicariate supporting Pa Henere Tate with research and secretarial work...
Sister Benedict Cullen
Mary Josephine Cullen was born on 7 April, 1894, in Liverpool, England. Her parents were John Cullen and Alice Cullen (nee Rushton). Although her father was a Catholic, she had been brought up in the Church of England until she came to live in New Zealand in her teens...
The Voice of Compassion Issue 32
Dedication of new organ at St Joseph’s Home of Compassion, WWOOF Volunteers at Island Bay, Artist Vincent Evans...