If we torment ourselves every time we make a mistake, we will never be good for anything. Let us do all that we have to do with calm and peace.
Suzanne Aubert
Founder of the order
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Sister Columba Staveley
Kathleen Mary Staveley was born at Carterton on the 28 October, 1906. Her parents were Frank Spencer Staveley and Hilda Mary Staveley (nee Weight). Her mother belonged to the Weight family, and was the sister of our first Sister M. Columba [Weight]. Her mother’s aunt was our first Sister Francis McManaway, called Auntie Tot...
The Voice of Compassion Issue 31
St Agnes School Kindergarten - Fiji, Sister Rae conquers the Chamino de Santiago, Aubert childcare centre closes...
Sister Annette Green
After making her final profession in 1959, Sister Annette completed her Diploma of Theology and New Zealand Teacher’s Certificate at Loreto Hall...