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Suzanne Aubert's work is a story of faith, love, humanity and of course, compassion.
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Emmeline Edith Crombie was born at Balart, Victoria, Australia, on 30 December, 1872. Her parents were Charles Melville Crombie and Matilda Margaret Crombie (nee Sibley.) Emmeline entered as a Postulant on 15 August, 1908, and began her Novitiate on 19 March, 1909, receiving the name Sister Mary Cecilia. She was professed on 7 April, 1911...
Sister was a Sister of Compassion for 10 years. She worked manly at Island Bay, Carterton and Timaru. Thank you Sister for your commitment.
Celebrating the 184th anniversary of the birth of Suzanne Aubert, Meri Hōhepa...