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Suzanne Aubert's work is a story of faith, love, humanity and of course, compassion.
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St Agnes School Kindergarten - Fiji, Sister Rae conquers the Chamino de Santiago, Aubert childcare centre closes...
Elizabeth Welsh was born in Invercargill on 3 February, 1885. Her parents were Michael and Margaret Welsh. She entered the Sisters of Compassion on 1 March, 1926, and on 8 September, 1926, Elizabeth began her novitiate training receiving her Religious name Sister M. Etienne. Sister M. Hedwige was her Novice Mistress...
The great story of Chris, who spent 12 months without a home, the Jubilee celebration of Sr Lusiana, and the story of hope of Ammanuel, along with many other news and events around the Home of Compassion.