She was born in Britomart Street, Berhampore, Wellington, within the shadow of the large grey building of the Island Bay Home of Compassion. With her two sisters and brother she was educated at the local Catholic Primary School in Island Bay. This warm and loving family had two daughters gifted with a Religious vocation, Santina and Catherine. Catherine later entered the Sisters of Compassion and received her Religious name Sister John Bosco.
After leaving school, Santina completed a Shorthand and Typing course at Gilby’s College and was employed at the State Advanced Corporation Office for several years prior to entering the Sisters of Compassion.
At Reception as a Sister of Compassion, Santina received the name Clement Hofbauer. When the opportunity came several years later she reverted to her baptismal name of Santina which means ‘little saint’.
Santina had a quiet and gentle nature and was conscientious about her duties. She had opportunities when living in the Carterton, Heretaunga, Whanganui, Timaru, and Island Bay Communities to nurse and care for the young and elderly which gave her much pleasure and joy.
Many of us will remember Sister Santina as a gentle, caring and loving person. She was always very grateful for all the care she was given during her later years, and up to two days before her death she was a daily Mass goer. While she was resident in St. Joseph’s Home of Compassion, Heretaunga, she was always taken to the Chapel at 4pm to spend an hour before Mass in prayer. Sister also had a great devotion to the Rosary.
The Daly-Peoples’ family were very humble about their two daughters being called to Religious life and they supported and continue to support the Home of Compassion very generously with gifts and their friendship.
Born Entered Professed Died Place of Death Place of Burial
09.03.1911 18.07.1930 15.09.1934 02.06.1997 Silverstream Karori Cemetery