Kathleen was the fourth member of a family of five brothers and one sister. Kathleen, along with her siblings, attended the local Catholic school and participated in sports and other social activities that were part of the lifestyle of the Greymouth community. Kathleen had a great passion and talent for dancing. She had an agile body and managed the intricacies of ballet and ballroom dancing to perfection. This passion for dancing continued through her Religious life and she welcomed the occasions to entertain and display her repertoire of dances.

Kathleen entered Religious life in March 1940, thus starting her long and active journey as a Sister of Compassion. On her Reception day in September of the same year, she received Matthew for her Religious name. Following her Profession, Sister Matthew commenced her nursing training at the Home of Compassion Hospital, graduating in 1946. Thereafter, her ministry experiences in many of the Homes of Compassion started. She brought her nursing skills to the disabled children at St Raphael’s Home, to the frail and aged people at St Joseph’s, St Vianney’s and Aubert Homes before returning to the nursery at Island Bay where she enjoyed caring for the babies.

Her ministry extended to St Anne’s Home in Broken Hill, where her gentle and quiet manner at the bedside of the elderly was greatly appreciated and remembered. Her compassionate manner helped heal the broken in spirit, in mind and heart, as she followed the spirituality of Suzanne Aubert to bring peace and forgiveness to the suffering who for her represented Christ.

Sister Matthew appreciated her two sabbatical programs at Teschemakers and at Marymount, and accepted with joy and gratitude the opportunity of joining a Pilgrimage group to the Holy Land and Rome. Together with Brother Gabriel, her brother, she celebrated her Golden Jubilee in Wanganui, where family and friends gathered for this joyous occasion. Ten years later they gathered once again for her Diamond Jubilee.

Due to poor health and frailty, Sister Matthew was admitted into the Aubert Home of Compassion where she graciously accepted nursing care until her death. A faithful Sister of Compassion for 69 years.

Born                  Entered                Professed             Died                  Place of Death            Place of Burial

18.04.1918       15.03.1940           15.09.1942         12.07.2011              Wanganui              Aramoho Cemetery