The next years were spent working in the nursing field in the Homes of Compassion at Island Bay, Auckland and Wanganui. During July, 1984, Mary was transferred to Chanel Home of Compassion in Suva, Fiji, as Treasurer and second in charge. It was while she was in Fiji that the chapel and new extensions were added to the Home. After Fiji Sister Mary went for her sabbatical year to the ‘Quest’ Course at St Joseph’s House of Spirituality, Sydney. She found it an intensely spiritual year, interesting and challenging, culminating in a 30 day retreat. In 1991 Mary became ill and it was doubtful she would live. After surgery she recovered sufficiently to do Pastoral Work at Hastings. In 2000 she was transferred to Silverstream where she was involved in the Pastoral Care of the residents, as well as being Treasurer for the Community. In 2004 Mary was transferred to Wanganui where she became involved in the Cancer Society, as a volunteer. In 2016 realizing that she needed to be with the Sisters, Mary was transferred to Marian Court, at Heretaunga/Silverstream.