Agnes entered the Sisters of Compassion on 18 March, 1941, and began her Novitiate on 15 September, 1941. Her Religious name was Sister M. Immaculata. Sister was Professed on 15 September, 1943.
Earlier, before entering the Sisters of Compassion, Sister Immaculata had suffered from tuberculosis, but was pronounced completely cured by Doctor Burns two years prior to admission to the Sisters of Compassion. Almost immediately after her Final Profession in 1946, Sister again developed serious lung trouble, and was admitted to the Public Hospital for a pneumothorax operation. Long treatment in the Infirmary of the Convent restored her to sufficient health to enable her to perform regular, light duties; she was always eager to help where ever she could. As her health broke down again, Novena after Novena was made throughout the Sisters of Compassion to Mother Aubert for a miraculous cure. Doctor G. McLean and other doctors pronounced her incurable.
In December, 1946, Sister was ordered to take complete bed rest, and was moved to the bed on the Infirmary verandah, to take advantage of the fresh air. Sister had great devotion to Saint Therese of Lisieux, and in fact followed her Little Way with great fervour. Six months before her death, at her own request, and again on December 3, the Sacrament of the Anointing was administered. She was able to receive Holy Communion on the morning of her death, although she had had a severe heart attack the previous day, when she nearly expired. She had no pain the day she died, as far as is known, but great difficulty in breathing. The end was peaceful, with no struggle.
Sister Immaculata died on Sunday, 14 December, 1947, in the presence of the Community while Mother Cecilia was reciting the Prayers for the Dying.
Born Entered Professed Died Place of Death Place of Burial
07.01.1918 18.03.1941 15.09.1943 14.12.1947 Island Bay Karori Cemetery