On 25 March, 1904, Mary entered the Sisters of Compassion at Buckle Street and received the Habit and her Religious name, Sister Mary Gabriel on 28 November, 1904.
After her Profession on 11 December, 1905, Sister stayed at Buckle Street until October, 1910. In 1910, when the new Foundation opened in Auckland, Sister Gabriel was appointed to the St. Vincent Home of Compassion where she remained until 1913. Health reasons necessitated her return to Our Lady’s Home of Compassion Hospital at Island Bay for treatment.
During 1917, Sister Gabriel completed the St. John’s Brigade Course training program and this equipped her with skills for work at the Home for disadvantaged and elderly men at Buckle Street.
For the next few years, Sister suffered intensely from mental illness and received treatment. During periods of remission, she returned to her Community where she again enjoyed the companionship and support of the Sisters at Island Bay.
Sister Gabriel participated in the early history of the Sisters of Compassion. She had personal contact with Suzanne Aubert, she saw the opening of the Island Bay Home, and she participated in the daily collecting of food, at Buckle St. Sister willingly gave of herself to the mission of the Sisters.
Her contribution, dedication and mental suffering experienced during her short life as a Sister of Compassion would have been generously rewarded by the Lord who chose, understood and loved her. A prayer was the last word she uttered before she died.
Born Entered Professed Died Place of Death Place of Burial
10.12.1872 25.03.1904 11.12.1904 07.07.1931 Island Bay Karori Cemetery