They meant to stay a couple of months, but Bridget became very ill and had to go to hospital for treatment. Unfortunately this did not do her much good but she later was cured by Sister Joseph, (later Mother Aubert) who was at this time experimenting with herbal medicines at Meanee. Ellen helped in the school at Meanee while she was in Hawke’s Bay, and her sister later joined the Sisters of the Mission. In 1884, when the Sisters of St. Joseph left Jerusalem, Mother Aubert wrote to Ellen asking her to come and join the Third Order of Mary and help with the Māori Mission in Jerusalem. Ellen readily agreed and became one of the foundation stones of the Third Order Regular of Mary under the Marist Fathers. Sister Anne, as she was then known took Annual Vows until 1892 when she took the same vows in the Institute of the Daughters of Our Lady of Compassion. This was the year the Sisters of Compassion became established as a separate entity from the Marist Order.
Sister Anne, together with Sisters Bridget and Carmel, were called the ABC of the Congregation. In the early days of the Mission at Jerusalem, Sister Anne was a great support to Suzanne Aubert; in 1885 she helped dig the foundations of the first church at Hiruhārama and was assistant to Mother Aubert from 1890-1896. Sister Anne was a reliable woman with a good business head.
In 1900 Sister Anne was transferred to Buckle Street, Wellington, where she lived for many years. Sister Clotilde remembered Sister Anne as a reader, being especially fond of history. Besides her extensive knowledge of Irish history she was well acquainted with French, English and Roman histories. Sister Anne took an interest in everything and had a remarkably good general knowledge.
Ill health forced her to retire to the Infirmary at Island Bay where she gradually became more infirm. She was always patient and never murmured as her sight and hearing began to fail. The sisters observed that during this time of her life she resembled Mother Aubert to a remarkable degree. Her long life as a Religious was no mean record of faith and loyalty to God and to the Sisters of Compassion she had seen come into existence and who she loved. She faced death with calm serenity and died very peacefully on 9 January, 1947.
Born Entered Professed Died Place of Death Place of Burial
18.11.1858 25.12.1885 15.08.86 09.01.47 Island Bay Karori