Help one another and make use of the many little occasions to lighten a little, when possible, the burden of others.
Suzanne Aubert
Founder of the order
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I would recommend to my friends that visiting the elderly is a very worthwhile thing to do..
Sister Catherine Hannan
Sister Catherine Hannan was born on 19 August 1935 at New Plymouth. Her parents were Kathleen Rosena Foster and George Willis. Catherine was the oldest of six children, her siblings were Sister Patricia OP, James, Willis, Gillian, Paul. The family moved to Invercargill while Catherine was young and where she completed her education at St Catherine’s Dominican College. Excelling not only academically but also in music, speech and sport.
Sister Victor Chang
Maria Teresa Bui was born in Kubulau, Bua, Fiji, on 10 October, 1937. Teresa, as she was called, was the daughter of Fong Chang Lee, a Buddhist and follower of Taoism who came from Chungsan Province in southern China, and Teresia Ralongaqato, a strong Catholic, from Natokalau village, in Kubulau, Bua.